Louise and her hip

Two years ago I attended a body combat class, a class I really enjoyed.

One of my favourite tracks came on and I put my heart and soul into the movements. Half way through the track I twisted and then had to stop, as a felt a sudden sharp pain in my right hip. I couldn’t put my foot down. I thought that I could shake it off, but the pain got worse. I hobbled out of the class and then was whisked off to A and E.

I was checked over and nothing was found. Medical practitioners suspected a trapped nerve at the time. I returned to work the next day, but after a week the pain was not getting better. Exercises exacerbated it.

At this point I returned to Benji who previously treated me for another problem.

He investigated fully my movements and researched into what it could be. He encouraged me back to the GP and pushed for referrals to the hospital for deeper investigations, namely an Anthroscopy investigation, X-rays and MRI scans. After which a laberal tear of my right hip was found. This explained why I was unable to put my foot down and walk without feeling pain.

Soon after I was admitted for an operation to fix the tear.

With months of recovery ahead Physiotherapy was looming. The pain and worry about moving the leg for the first time after the operation was unbearable. Benji assisted gently and stretched off my muscles. Every movement scared me.

From then onwards it was weekly check ups and four of five sessions of physiotherapy on my own at home. It was tough and brought a tear to my eye. With hard work I was very slowly able to see small changes and achieve basic things on my own from putting my socks on to tackling stairs. I eventually wanted to be able to do more. I was itching to get back to sport. When I was back at work, ready and strong enough Benji gave me challenging gym exercises to do.

As the sessions became harder I realised that I couldn’t move the same and that the year recovery I was being told post op was now a reality. I became really deflated and demotivated. I wanted to give up. However, Benji did not let me. He spent a lot of time listening, guiding and giving me targets to achieve. I tried for another few weeks, but nothing was changing for me and I wasn’t progressing at a rate that I’d like. At this point I thought would I ever return fully to my job. Benji gave me time and space to refocus.

After a few weeks away I was ready to return to physio. This time I was achieving more. I continued and was discharged soon after.

I am now back working to full capacity and am really enjoying exercising again. Maybe not in the same way as before, but I am walking again, cycling and exercising in new and fun ways. I missed the feeling that exercise gave me. I know have this back. I will forever be grateful to Benji for the work and time he invested in me. If it wasn’t for Benji’s skills, patience, determination and care I’m not sure if I would be where I am today.

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